Just in Time! Thinking Routines Templates: Choose Your Own Adventure

While putting the final touches on a lesson plan, I was struck with a decision about the class-ending activity. I know students will have questions and concerns about the readings and projects. I wanted the freedom and flexibility to choose the culminating activity in the moment. What could I do?

I imported all 3 thinking routines into Socrative, and then allowed myself to choose the culminating activity in the moment. It was a very freeing feeling to know I was prepared for a great class, and still able to be responsive to the day’s flow and demands.

Here are the 3 Thinking Routines

Import the templates using the SOC #s or create your own.

1. I Used to Think…, But Now I Think…
  • Quiz code: SOC-17616
  • Purpose: “This routine helps students to reflect on their thinking about a topic or issue and explore how and why that thinking has changed. It can be useful in consolidating new learning as students identify their new understandings, opinions, and beliefs. By examining and explaining how and why their thinking has changed, students are developing their reasoning abilities and recognizing cause and effect relationships.”  (Project Zero)
2. 1 Better, 1 Puzzle
  • Quiz code: SOC-18141
  • Purpose: This routine helps students reflect on their growth in understanding of a topic or issue and then reflect on an area which is still puzzling or confusing.
3. Connect, Extend, Challenge
  • Quiz code: SOC-18130
  • Purpose: “A routine for connecting new ideas to prior knowledge” (Project Zero)

So in the end, we used the “1 Better, 1 Puzzle” routine. It fit our needs in the moment and was only a click away. Later in the evening after reviewing the Excel report, I gained many insights into the levels of understanding and could follow up with students on an individual basis before the next class.  Who knows, next class we could choose a different routine, the same, or none at all…but we’re prepared.


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